450gsm Silk Business Cards

Standard business card design is 85mm x 55mm

Printed on high quality 450gsm silk card which offers a high quality feel and finish.

  • Qty *

Business card artwork

  • Artwork *

  • Upload *

    Please upload your file in a PDF or Jpg form with 25mm bleed for banners or 3mm for all other printing. ** If we are designing then please upload your logo and any other imagery**Max file size: 20 MBPermitted file types: jpg jpeg jpe gif png webp pdf

  • Print information we may need or find useful? *


Please supply artwork with text and important imagery no closer than 5mm from the edge of the paper and with a 3mm outside bleed.

Logo design is not included in the ‘We Design’ service, but we can offer this as an extra.

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We aim to give the best price possible and so if you fill out the form, we will get back to you ASAP with a price.
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